Use this tool to easily find your SERP (search engine ranking position) with your domain name and even get results of your competitors.

SERPYour SERP (search engine results page) is a very important factors to many people. Those people being the website owners, the potential visitors, the returning visitors, the search engine optimizer and any potential clients or partners your business might want to pick up on. If someone doesn’t already know your exact domain name and you have poor search engine ranking positions on key words and key phrases that relate to your business then it would be very hard to find you. While this article doesn’t have anything to do with increasing your search engine results page it does have a little something to do with being able to find where you are ranked among search engines without having to constantly scroll through potentially dozens of pages to see if your ranked within the top 100 results of a search engine.

I’ve found a great PHP tool that allows you to enter your search terms, along with your domain name, and any competitors and find your ranking on Google. Currently, Google is the only searchable engine that your allowed to use but I’m sure Yahoo, Bing, and more are in the works. I use this tool all the time when trying to find my rankings, potential clients rankings, or existing clients rankings to see where we are with their search terms and where we’ll need to improve.

The PHP tool is called SERP Checker and can be found at The tool itself is incredibly intuitive so you shouldn’t have a problem learning how to use it. I’ve used this tool, among others, and this one definitely has been ranked #1 on my preferred SERP checking position.

If you’re not placing where you’d like to be with the search terms that you know potential visitors will be using you might need some help optimizing your website for search engines either on-page or through getting quality backlinks.


